Kamga Tchassa
1 min readJan 28, 2019

Trisha, I cannot believe I haven’t read this beautiful response up until now. I am so honored and blessed to know you.

Only a few days ago we finally “met”.

I will never forget the support you showed me in November and how it has impacted me till date.

I still struggle to remind myself not to bother about the stats…but some days are harsher than others.

Yet, we must do what we must do, as you know all too well.

I currently have a poetry collection with an illustrator, and I think what Medium is helping me do is create a body of work I can easily whip up into a book at some point. Knowing how much such an endeavor would be scary if stared up front, I think I am subconsciously reducing the scare by writing daily and keeping up with the changes as they occur.

But yes, I want to write books.

You can keep going. You have and you must.

I am proud to know someone who brings many who may never have met each other into this rainbow bowl of cultures and languages.

The Facebook group is a gem in my life and the people — truly amazing.

I know I speak for us all when I say we are grateful for your service and leadership.

I will read these words again as they warm my heart over and over again.

Thank you.



Kamga Tchassa

Helping 30 somethings through the process of building relationships, leveraging their personal stories and improving their mindsets. bit.ly/adoseofperspective